Blaugust 2023

Blaugust logo, courtesy of Tales of the Aggronaut

Hey, y’all. I’m excited to take part in Blaugust 2023. Though Im a little late to the party, better late than never, right? I heard about it from a post by WC Robinson (awesome blogger and very kind person!). This awesome endeavor was pioneered by Tales of the Aggronaut whose wonderful blog I’m getting to know. I also joined the community on Mastodon supporting Blaugust: I’m so excited to support my fellow blog-enthusiasts and commit to celebrating my own writing.

The basic premise of Blaugust is to keep the art of blogging alive. It encourages writers to commit to posting as much as they can throughout the month. I’ve written about it before, but I can’t pay it forward enough, the outpouring of kindness and positivity I’ve encountered in the gaming social media groups is a true blessing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware of the toxicity that exists in the gaming community. Yes, I’ve encountered some mean folks from time to time. Yes, I’ve had the occasional console warrior defined their choice adamantly. And yes, sometimes I’m targeted simply because I’m a female gamer. But those negative experiences are few and far between. The vast majority of gamers are welcoming and supportive. Starting this blog has changed my life for the better in so many ways.

But here’s the silly self-sabotaging thing I do (and I know other bloggers will understand), when life gets tough, I stop blogging. And usually that’s the time I need to write the most. It’s easy to procrastinate because I say I don’t have enough time (I totally do), or worry about getting the perfect video and photo for a post, or tell myself what I’ve written isn’t long enough to post. And in all that, I lose my original purpose of creating this blog to begin with: to heal my psyche and share my passion for gaming. I’m so very grateful for this event. It proves once again the community of gamers has saved me from myself more than once.

If you’d like to find out more about Blaugust the whole article can be found here: There’s all sorts of achievements you can earn to inspire you and about 100 awesome folks participating. Even if you’re late signing up (like I was), I can promise there’s a lot of support and encouragement waiting for you nonetheless. And that’s what life is all about, isn’t it?

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